As part of the promotion of the network, the Executive Secretary of the network went to the member countries for an information mission for better visibility of the network's objectives among the different institutions and structures in order to create a real partnership for a better resilience of the populations of the Sahel.
- 01/31 to 01/5/2021: Niamey and Maradi (Niger)
- 05 to 10/01/2021: Bamako (Mali)
- 02/15 to 19/2021: N’Djamena (Chad)
- 19 au 26/02/2021 : Dakar et Saint Louis (Sénégal)
Burkina Faso

Niamey et Maradi (Niger)

Bamako (Mali)

N’Djamena (Tchad)

Dakar et Saint Louis (Sénégal)