
Category Archives: Formations

Training of trainers on community participatory planning and asset creation techniques/technologies (for resilience) adapted to arid and semi-arid contexts

The overall objective of the “bootcamp” is, among others, to test and validate the bootcamp program and process and to develop the final prototype which can be replicated at different levels, in particular by universities and technical departments of ministries of guardianship.

The specific objectives of this intensive technical training will be to strengthen the capacity of WFP, government technical service teams, CPs and universities to:

(i) Identify an integrated set of relevant livelihood asset creation activities based on local biophysical and agro-climatic characteristics, in addition to other socio-economic considerations,

(ii) Select, for several assets, the correct design, territorial positioning, scale and calibration of the asset, its potential for adaptation to CC, etc.

(iii) include key aspects for sustainability and synergies such as land, protection, integration with nutrition and education, value chains, environment, gender and women's empowerment that are essential for the selection, design and implementation, as well as for the sustainability and replicability  of the assets created and the integrated whole in general; And

(iv) ensure that the quality of assets and maintenance is maintained during and beyond the life of the project, including self-help and solidarity mechanisms (e.g. progress). This will build on training previously provided by RLU on community planning (PCP), asset creation and resilience activities.

The representation of their land by the beneficiaries
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