
Dr Lamine Diop

Personal Information

Dr Lamine Diop


Teaching, Research & Development

  • Grade :
    Maitre-Assistant CAMES
  • Fonction :
    Enseignant chercheur au Département Productions Végétales et Agronomie | Université Gaston Berger
  • Experience
    American Board of Neurological Surgery
  • Training and Research Unit (UFR)/Institute/School
    l’UFR des Sciences Agronomiques de l’Aquaculture et des Technologies Alimentaires (S2ATA) de l’Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis/Sénégal
  • Country

Domaines D’activités

Irrigation et gestion des ressources en eau


Dr Lamine DIOP has been a CAMES Assistant Master since 2018 in Engineering Sciences and Techniques/Water and Environmental Engineering Option. He is a teacher-researcher in the Plant Production and Agronomy Department of the UFR of Agricultural Sciences, Aquaculture and Food Technologies (S2ATA) of the Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis/Senegal. It teaches building blocks such as water resources management; irrigation management; Irrigation systems; Hydro-agricultural Development, applied climatology and statistics in Bachelor's and Master's degrees. His research focuses on irrigation optimization, water productivity, evapotranspiration modeling and optimal management of water resources for agriculture. He has published more than 25 scientific articles in indexed journals. Before joining the UGB, he worked as a Rural Engineering Engineer at the OMVS/OMVG national unit of Senegal.

He received his PhD from Ohio State University (USA) in 2017 in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering. He has a master's degree in Integrated Water Resources Management, a DESS in computer science applied to water sciences, a master's degree in Project Management and a design engineering diploma in Agronomy/Option Agricultural Engineering. He is the educational coordinator of two master's degrees: Master in Plant Production and Agronomy and Master in Prevention and Management of Risks linked to Food Safety.


Sarr, A., Diop, L., Diatta, I., Wane, Y. D., Bodian, A., Seck, S. M., … & Mateos, L. (2021). Technical and Economic Feasibility of Solar Pump Irrigation in the North-Niayes Region in Senegal. Engineering, 13(7), 399-419.

Sarr, A., Diop, L., Diatta, I., Wane, Y. D., Bodian, A., Seck, S. M., … & Lamaddalena, N. (2021). Baseline of the Use of Solar Irrigation Pump in the Niayes Area in Senegal. Natural Resources, 12(5), 125-146.

Sarr, A ., Diop, L. , Diatta, I. , Wane, Y.D. Technical and economic feasibility of solar irrigation pumping system: a review, Knowledge-Based Engineering and Sciences, 1(01), 1-22.

SANE, A., DIOP, L., WANE, Y. D., SARR, A., DIATTA, I., DIALLO, M. D., … & SECK, S. M.(2020). Onion water productivity Assessment in five lowlands in the Niayes area of Senegal. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 305-314

Djaman, K., Diop, L., Koudahe, K., Bodian, A., & Ndiaye, P. M. (2020). Evaluation of temperature-based solar radiation models and their impact on Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration in a semiarid climate. International Journal of Hydrology, 4(2), 84-95.

Diop, L., Samadianfard, S., Bodian, A., Yaseen, Z. M., Ghorbani, M. A., & Salimi, H. (2020). Annual rainfall forecasting using hybrid artificial intelligence model: integration of multilayer perceptron with whale optimization algorithm. Water Resources Management, 34(2), 733-746.

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