
Category Archives: Conference

Colloque Scientifique International sur : Migration, Changement climatique, Sécurité alimentaire et Résilience au Sahel


La région sahélienne est confrontée de manière récurrente à des problèmes d’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, de dégradation des ressources naturelles conséquences des changements climatiques et de pauvreté. En somme, c’est la partie du monde qui a connu, au cours de la dernière décennie, la plus forte augmentation de la faim malgré la mobilisation et l’intervention d’une diversité d’acteurs pour fournir une aide alimentaire aux plus vulnérables.
Suite aux multiples succès enregistrés à travers les conventions de partenariat scientifique entre le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM), six (6) institutions d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche à savoir l’Université Nazi BONI (Burkina Faso), l’Université Gaston BERGER (Sénégal), l’Université Abdou MOUMOUNI (Niger), l’Université Dan Dicko DANKOULODO de Maradi (Niger), l’Université de N’Djamena (Tchad) et l’Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée (Mali) ont décidé d’unir leurs efforts au sein d’un réseau. Cet engagement a abouti à la création en janvier 2020 du Réseau des Universités du Sahel pour la Résilience (REUNIR). Dans la perspective de l’établissement d’un partenariat fécond entre les institutions dans les domaines de la résilience vis-à-vis de l’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, les changements climatiques et les catastrophes naturelles au Sahel, le Réseau REUNIR se veut un outil d’appui et d’aide à la décision. Suite aux conclusions de la Conférence des Recteurs, Présidents et Directeur Général des Université membres tenue en mai 2023 à Bamako au Mali, cinq (5) nouvelles Universités sont admises, ce qui portera à onze (11) institutions membres. Il s’agit de l’Université de Fada (Burkina Faso), l’Université de Ségou (Mali), l’Université de Diffa (Niger), l’Université Amadou Moctar Mbow (Sénégal) et l’Université de Abéché (Tchad).
Conformément à ses objectifs et dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de son plan d’action 2024, le Réseau des Universités des Sahel pour la Résilience (REUNIR) organise ce colloque scientifique international sur le thème « Migration, Changement climatique, Sécurité alimentaire et Résilience au Sahel » à l’Université Dan Dicko Dankoulodo de Maradi au Niger.

Contexte et justification de la tenue du colloque

La région sahélienne est caractérisée par des disparités spatiotemporelles des caractéristiques climatiques qui influent sur les moyens d’existence notamment les productions agrosylvopastorales. Cela est dû au fait que les pays du Sahel sont dans une situation d’extrême vulnérabilité quasi permanente, liée aux sècheresses, aux attaques des ravageurs, à la dégradation continue des terres et à une désertification progressive du milieu naturel.
Depuis quelques décennies, la région du Sahel connaît une forte augmentation du nombre de personnes en insécurité alimentaire. Plus de 6 millions d’enfants de moins de 5 ans sont considérés comme malnutris. L’indice de développement humain des pays du sahel figure parmi les plus bas au monde, le niveau de pauvreté est très élevé avec une faible participation des femmes aux activités économiques et un accès faible aux services sociaux de base.
Au-delà des questions alimentaires, d’autres défis sociaux, dont l’insécurité grandissante et le phénomène de migration avec un nombre important des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées internes impactent le Sahel. L’insécurité croissante est due à l’aggravation des situations conflictuelles au Sahel et aux difficultés liées à la prise en charge de plus d’un demi-million de personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leurs propres pays.
Thus, the major issue which justifies the holding of this conference is to create the conditions for in-depth reflection around the major challenges which undermine the development process and the construction of the resilience of Sahelian communities and ecosystems.

█ Défis liés au phénomène de migration
La migration est définie comme tout déplacement des individus de leur milieu de vie habituel vers d’autres horizons peut être familiale ou individuelle, temporaire ou définitive, professionnelle, forcée ou volontaire. C’est un phénomène universel basé sur la recherche d’une vie meilleure. La problématique migratoire constitue aujourd’hui l’un des sujets des débats en Europe et ailleurs. On estime à environ 8,4 millions de migrants en Afrique de l’Ouest, dont environ 10 % d’entre eux se dirigent vers l’Europe.
On s’accorde à considérer l’Afrique subsaharienne comme tout particulièrement exposée au changement climatique et à ses conséquences diverses (IPCC, 2014). En Afrique au sud du Sahara, surtout dans les pays du sahel, le phénomène de migration est très préoccupant avec l’intensification des migrations forcées massives aussi bien internes que transfrontalières, ayant comme principales causes l’insécurité, les famines, l’extrême pauvreté, etc. ;En effet, depuis plus d’une décennie, la région du Sahel est en proie à une insécurité grandissante liée à des conflits intercommunautaires et aux actions des groupes terroristes qui opèrent dans la sous-région. Les effets des changements climatiques se traduisent par l’irrégularité des précipitations, la dégradation des terres agricoles, l’assèchement des marres, la disparition du couvert végétal et sont à l’origine du déplacement massif des populations vers des zones où elles peuvent mener leurs activités.
Dans une analyse des questions de migration en Afrique de l’Ouest, Van der Land et al. (2018) ont mis en lumière l’importance de la migration circulaire et des conséquences des remises sur les capacités d’adaptation et sur la résilience. Les facteurs environnementaux ne sont donc pas les seules variables à étudier dans la prise de décision de migrer. Les recherches et les futures réflexions doivent nous éclairer sur les approches plus larges qui prennent en compte l’hétérogénéité des contextes ouest-africains.

█ Défis liés à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle
Depuis environ quatre décennies, les conditions climatiques extrêmes ont continuellement plongé des millions de personnes dans une insécurité alimentaire aiguë à travers l’Afrique subsaharienne. Les chocs induits par le climat sur le système alimentaire frappent maintenant environ tous les 2 ans, et sont même quasi permanents par endroit. Dans ces conditions, les exploitations agricoles de ces pays ou régions n’ont aucune possibilité de récupération avec le rapprochement des chocs. Donc pour surmonter plus rapidement les difficultés alimentaires, il y a nécessité d’investir dans la résilience des communautés et des écosystèmes. Selon les Nations Unies, en Afrique, jusqu’à 65% des terres de production sont dégradées et 45% des terres sont touchées par la désertification. Cette désertification entraîne une baisse de la fertilité des sols et des terres disponibles pour le pâturage et aussi des baisses de rendements. Dans une déclaration commune lors de la réunion annuelle du Réseau pour la prévention des crises alimentaires en Afrique de l’Ouest (RPCA) tenue à Lomé en décembre 2022, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO), le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance (UNICEF) et le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM) ont lancé la sonnette d’alarme. En effet, ces organismes soulignaient que le nombre de personnes souffrant de la faim en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre devrait atteindre un record historique de 48 millions dont 9 millions d’enfants l’année prochaine si des solutions urgentes et durables ne sont pas apportées.
Selon les derniers résultats du Cadre Harmonisé d’Analyse de la Sécurité Alimentaire, plus de 35 millions de personnes (dont 6,7 millions d’enfants) dans la région, soit environ 8% de la population évaluée sont actuellement incapables de satisfaire leurs besoins alimentaires et nutritionnels de base.
Il ne suffit pas pour les populations d’avoir à leur disposition des produits alimentaires, mais il faut une alimentation équilibrée du point de vue nutritionnel surtout pour les enfants de 0 à 5 ans. La malnutrition souvent dans sa forme aigue est très rependue dans nos pays. Ses causes sont d’ordre social, culturel et comportemental, mais elle est aggravée par l’insécurité grandissante et généralisée dans les pays du Sahel. Pour relever ce défi, il va falloir mobiliser les compétences scientifiques pour appuyer les stratégies de développement de nos Etats.
En outre, les pays africains en général et ceux du Sahel en particulier sont affectés par les chocs mondiaux qui ébranlent les systèmes alimentaires, notamment la volatilité des marchés des produits de base, les augmentations des prix de l’énergie et des engrais, les perturbations du commerce international et les événements en cours en Ukraine. Ces chocs ont entraîné de fortes hausses des prix des denrées alimentaires dans toute la région et ont aggravé l’insécurité alimentaire, cette inflation mettant à rude épreuve les maigres revenus des ménages et menacent la résilience des communautés.
Tous les indicateurs montrent qu’il est urgent de trouver des solutions pérennes afin d’assurer aux générations futures une terre productive en mesure de répondre à leurs besoins résumés ci-dessous en termes des défis.

█ Défis liés aux Changements Climatiques
Developing countries, particularly the Sahel countries, are vulnerable to the harmful effects of climate change. This exposure is manifested by a continuous increase in temperatures, a strong spatiotemporal variability of rainfall, accompanied by an increase in extreme events on a planetary scale. All the reasons for the increase in temperatures may not yet be known, but the main reason is due to the enormous quantities of greenhouse gases (GHGs) released into the atmosphere linked to activity. of man (Industries, agriculture, livestock, transport etc.). It is in fact admitted that climate change is difficult to reverse in the medium term.

Objectifs du Colloque international

Ce colloque international scientifique vise à mobiliser les Enseignants-Chercheurs, les Chercheurs, les Doctorants, les Acteurs du développement et les communautés pour un appui à la construction de la paix et un développement durable au Sahel. Les travaux s’articuleront autour du thème principal : « Migration, Sécurité alimentaire, Changement climatique et Résilience au sahel : Quelles contributions de la recherche scientifique pour une paix et un développement durable ? ».
The main objective is to make proposals for tools and intervention strategies to achieve sustainable resilience of populations and ecosystems.
Specifically, this will involve analyzing:

  • the impacts of climate change and agrosylvopastoral and fishing practices in the Sahel and environmental risks;
  • the causes, issues and consequences of migration and food insecurity in the Sahel;
  • the causes, issues and consequences of migration and food insecurity in the Sahel;
  • systems and/or approaches for managing cross-border migratory flows.

Organisation du colloque International

Le colloque international durera trois (3) jours du 2 au 4 mai 2024. Outre la cérémonie d’ouverture, le colloque débutera par une conférence inaugurale sur la problématique de développement durable au Sahel – enjeux et défis. Ensuite cinq panels seront organisés sur les sous thèmes suivants :

█ Panel 1 : Food and nutritional security, migration and sustainable development in the Sahel;
█ Panel 2 : Changement climatique et pratiques agrosylvopastorales et halieutiques ;
█ Panel 3 : Natural resource governance and sustainable land management for resilience;
█ Panel 4 : Systems and approaches for sustainable management of migration flows;
█ Panel 5 : Round table discussion on research, development issues and resilience.

Call for communication | International scientific symposium on: “MIGRATION, CLIMATE CHANGE, FOOD SECURITY AND RESILIENCE IN THE SAHEL”


The Sahel region faces recurrent problems of food and nutritional insecurity, natural resources degradation, climate change, and poverty. The region has seen the sharpest increase in hunger over the last decade, despite the mobilization and intervention of a wide range of actors to provide food aid to the most vulnerable communities.

In this context, several strategies have been developed by different partners to overcome this situation. Among them, The partnership between World Food Programme (WFP) and Sahelian higher education and research institutions can be consider as successful. Following the many successes achieved, six (6) higher education and research institutions, namely Université Nazi BONI (Burkina Faso), Université Gaston BERGER (Senegal), Université Abdou MOUMOUNI (Niger), Université Dan Dicko DANKOULODO de Maradi (Niger), Université de N’Djamena (Chad) and Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée (Mali), decided to join forces as a network. This commitment led to the creation in January 2020 of the “Réseau des Universités du Sahel pour la Résilience (REUNIR)”.

REUNIR aims to be a framework and active network of resilience, food and nutritional security, climate change and natural disasters in the Sahel. Initially composed of six (6) universities, REUNIR will have grown, by 2023, to 11 universities, with the addition of “University de Fada N’Gourma (Burkina Faso), Université de Ségou (Mali), Université de Diffa (Niger), Université Amadou Moctar Mbow (Senegal) and Université de Abéché (Chad).

In line with its objectives and as part of the implementation of its 2023 action plan, REUNIR will organize an international scientific symposium on “Migration, Climate Change, Food Security and Resilience” at the Dan Dicko Dankoulodo University in Maradi, Niger, in November 2023.

This symposium has been organized to discuss and to exchange on the major challenges undermining the development process and the importance of building the resilience of Sahelian communities and ecosystems.

I. Background and rationale for the symposium

The Sahelian region is characterized by spatiotemporal disparities in climatic characteristics that affect livelihoods, particularly agroforestry and fisheries production. This is due to the fact that Sahelian countries are of almost permanent situation of extreme vulnerability, linked to droughts, pest attacks, ongoing land degradation and progressive desertification of the natural environment.

Over the past few decades, the Sahel region has seen a sharp increase in the number of food-insecure people. More than 6 million children under the age of 5 are considered malnourished. The human development index for Sahelian countries is among the lowest in the world, and poverty levels are very high, with low female participation in economic activities and poor access to basic social services.

Beyond food issues, other social challenges, such as increasing insecurity migration as well as the large number of refugees and internally displaced people, are having a negative impact on the Sahel. Growing insecurity as a result of worsening conflict situations in the Sahel associated with half a million internally displaced people, is jeopardizing the livelihoods of Sahelian communities. The key challenges affecting the Sahel are outlined below.

  • Migration

Migration is defined as the movement of people from their usual living environment to new horizons. It can be family or individual, temporary or permanent, occupational, forced or voluntary, and looking for a better life.

Migration issues are currently the subject of debate at all levels. It is estimated that some 8.4 million migrants leave West Africa for various destinations, mainly Europe.

Various sources now consider sub-Saharan Africa to be particularly vulnerable to climate change and its various impacts (IPCC, 2014). The effects of climate change, in the form of erratic rainfall, degradation of agricultural land, drying up of ponds and disappearance of vegetation cover, are at the root of the massive displacement of populations to areas where they can carry out their activities.

Migration, especially in the Sahel, is of major concern, with the both internal and cross-border mass forced migrations intensifying the main causes of which are insecurity, famine, extreme poverty, etc.. For more than a decade, the Sahel region has been plagued by growing insecurity linked to the actions of terrorist groups operating in the sub- region, and to intercommunal conflicts (between farmers-herders).

Van der Land et al. (2018) highlighted the importance of circular migration and the impact of remittances on adaptive capacities and resilience in West Africa. Environmental factors are therefore not the only variables to be considered in the decision to migrate. Therefore, Research must consider broader approaches that take into account the heterogeneity of West African contexts.

  • Food and nutritional security

For about four decades, extreme climatic conditions have continuously pushed millions of people across sub-Saharan Africa into acute food insecurity. Climate-induced shocks to the food system now occur about every 2 years, and in some places are almost permanent. Under these conditions, farms in these countries or regions have no chance of recovering from the shocks. This means that we need to invest in the resilience of communities and ecosystems to overcome food shocks more quickly.. According to the United Nations, up to 65% of productive land in Africa is degraded, and 45% is affected by desertification. Desertification reduces soil fertility and the amount of land available for grazing. In a joint statement at the annual meeting of the Network for Food Crisis Prevention in West Africa (RPCA) held in Lomé in December 2022, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Programme (WFP) sounded the alarm.

These organizations pointed out that the number of people suffering from hunger in West and Central Africa will reach more than 48 million, including 9 million children, by the end of 2023 if urgent and sustainable solutions are not found. According to the latest results of the Harmonized Framework for Food Security Analysis, over 35 million people (including 6.7 million children) in the Sahelian region, or around 8% of the estimated population, are currently unable to meet their basic food and nutritional needs.

It’s not enough for people to have access to food; they also need a nutritionally balanced diet, especially for children aged 0 to 5. Acute malnutrition is often widespread in these countries. The causes are social, cultural and behavioral, but this malnutrition is exacerbated by the growing and widespread insecurity in Sahelian countries. To meet this challenge, it is essential to mobilize scientific expertise to support the development strategies of these countries.

In addition, African countries in general, and those in the Sahel in particular, are affected by global shocks that undermine food systems, including volatile commodity markets, increases in energy and fertilizer prices, disruptions into international trade, and the ongoing events in Ukraine. These shocks have led to sharp increases in food prices across the region, exacerbating food insecurity as inflation strains poor household incomes and threatens community resilience. All indicators point to the urgent need to find sustainable solutions to ensure that future generations have productive land to meet their needs.

  • Climate change

Developing countries, particularly those in the Sahel, are vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. This vulnerability is manifested by a steady rise in temperatures, high spatiotemporal variability in rainfall, and increase in extreme events on a global scale. We may not yet know all the reasons for the rise in temperatures, but the main cause is due to the enormous quantities of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted into the atmosphere as a result of human activities (industry, agriculture, livestock farming, transport, etc.). It is widely accepted that climate change will be difficult to reverse in the medium term.

II. Objectives of the International Scientific Symposium

The aim of the symposium is to mobilize professors, researchers, PhD candidates, government agencies, extensionists, s and communities to support peace- building and sustainable development in the Sahel. The main theme will be: « Migration, Food Security, Climate Change and Resilience in the Sahel: What contributions can scientific research make to sustainable peace and development ?

The main objective is to propose guidelines, and intervention strategies for achieving sustainable resilience of the populations and ecosystems.

Specifically, the symposium will focus on the :

  • impacts of climate change, agroforestry and fishing practices in the Sahel;
  • causes,     consequences,    and     solutions    of migration and food insecurity in the Sahel ;
  • natural resources governance and sustainable land management for resilience;
  • systems and/or approaches to managing cross- border migration flows.

III. Organization of the international scientific symposium

The international symposium will last three (3) days,from November 6 to 8, 2023 at the Université Dan Dicko Dankoulodo in Maradi, Niger An inaugural conference will focus on sustainable development in the Sahel – Issues and challenges. This will be followed by five panels on the following topics:

  • Panel 1: Food and nutrition security, migration and sustainable development in the Sahel ;
  • Panel 2: Climate change and agroforestry and fishing practices;
  • Panel 3: Natural resource governance and sustainable land management for resilience;
  • Panel 4: Systems and approaches for the sustainable management of migration flux;
  • Panel 5: Round table discussion on research, development issues and resilience.

Under the patronage of the Minister of Higher Education and Research, the symposium will be organized by REUNIR.

IV. Expected results of the symposium

At the end of the Colloquium, the following results are expected:

  • The causes, consequences , and solutions of migration in the Sahel are analyzed;
  • Systems and approaches for managing cross- border migration fluxes are analyzed.
  • Mechanisms for good governance of natural resources and resilience building are analyzed;
  • Current issues and challenges related to food and nutritional security are analyzed;
  • The     impacts     of     climate     change     and environmental risks are assessed;
  • The impact of good practice on sustainable land management and resilience is well known.
  • A final declaration on the proposed strategies and recommendations addressing the various crises is drafted and circulated.

V. Scientific Committee

An International Scientific Committee made up of researchers and lecturers from REUNIR member universities has been set up. Its task is to receive proposals for papers, and to select and evaluate manuscripts after pre-evaluation by reading committees. Validated papers will be published as conference proceedings.

VI. International scientific symposium format

The symposium will provide a forum for the exchange and sharing research findings, as well as an opportunity for broad reflection, leading to proposals for strategies to address the various challenges hampering development in Sahelian countries. It will take place in a hybrid format (face-to-face and virtual) to facilitate the participation of communicators. The Colloquium will be held in French and English, and the sessions will be led by high-level academics and experts. All papers will be published as proceedings. A final declaration of the symposium will be available in French and English.

VII. Conditions of participation

The symposium is open to researchers, PhD students, professors-researchers, and experts from non-governmental organizations, private or public structures. Each potential participant has to register and submit a abstract for one of the four topics of the panels presented above.

VIII. Submitting communications

The abstract: it should be succinct (maximum 250 words), attractive and structured into problem/objective, materials and methods, main results/discussion and a maximum of five (05) key words.

The abstract should be provided in French and English, and should be one page in length, with the first name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) and full address(es), professional status and institution of affiliation. Authors should submit their manuscripts to the following e-mail address: , only complete articles will be considered. Texts should be in Times New Roman, font size 12, single-spaced. Participants and experts intending to submit papers for the international colloquium must respect the deadlines indicated in the table below.

Table: deadlines

Call for applicationsJuly 15, 2023
Abstract submission1er to August 30, 2023
Article acceptance notificationSeptember 15, 2023
Submit full articleSeptember 15 to 30, 2023
Participation registrationSeptember 25 to 30, 2023
International symposiumNovember 6 to 8, 2023
Publication of the proceedingsDecember 2023

NB: registration is subject to payment of the registration fee:

  • Lecturers and Researchers: 30,000 F CFA
  • Members of NGOs and other organizations: 30,000 CFAF
  • PhD candidates: 15,000 F CFA

Call for papers: International scientific conference on “Migration, Climate Change, Food Security and Resilience in the Sahel”


The Sahel region is repeatedly confronted with problems of food and nutritional insecurity, degradation of natural resources, consequences of climate change and poverty. In short, it is the part of the world which has experienced, over the last decade, the greatest increase in hunger despite the mobilization and intervention of a diversity of actors to provide food aid to the most vulnerable. .

Following the multiple successes recorded within the framework of scientific partnership agreements between the World Food Program (WFP) and six (6) higher education and research institutions in the Sahel, namely the Nazi BONI University (Burkina Faso), the Gaston BERGER University (Senegal), Abdou MOUMOUNI University (Niger), Dan Dicko DANKOULODO University of Maradi (Niger), University of N'Djamena (Chad) and the Rural Polytechnic Institute of Training and Research Applied (Mali), the latter decided to unite their efforts within a network. This commitment resulted in the creation in January 2020 of the Network of Sahel Universities for Resilience (REUNIR).

REUNIR aims to be a support and decision-making tool in the areas of resilience to food and nutritional insecurity, climate change and natural disasters in the Sahel. Initially composed of six (6) universities, REUNIR will have 11 universities during this year 2023 with the membership of the University of Fada N'Gourma (Burkina Faso), the University of Ségou (Mali), the University of Diffa (Niger), Amadou Moctar Mbow University (Senegal) and the University of Abéché (Chad).

In accordance with its objectives and as part of the implementation of its 2023 action plan, the Network of Sahel Universities for Resilience (REUNIR) is organizing an international scientific conference in November on questions of Migration, Climate Change, Food Security and Resilience at Dan Dicko Dankoulodo University in Maradi, Niger.

I. Context and justification for holding the conference

The Sahel region is characterized by spatio-temporal disparities in climatic characteristics which influence livelihoods, particularly agrosylvopastoral and fisheries production. This is due to the fact that the Sahel countries are in a situation of almost permanent extreme vulnerability, linked to droughts, pest attacks, continued land degradation and progressive desertification of the natural environment.

For several decades, the Sahel region has seen a sharp increase in the number of people experiencing food insecurity. More than 6 million children under the age of 5 are considered malnourished. The human development index of the Sahel countries is among the lowest in the world, the level of poverty is very high with low participation of women in economic activities and low access to basic social services.

Beyond food issues, other social challenges, including growing insecurity and the phenomenon of migration with a significant number of refugees and internally displaced people, are negatively impacting the Sahel. Growing insecurity, a corollary of the worsening conflict situations in the Sahel and the difficulties linked to the care of more than half a million people displaced within their own countries, provides the means to existence of communities.

Thus, the major issue which justifies the holding of this conference is to create the conditions for in-depth reflection around the major challenges which undermine the development process and the construction of the resilience of Sahelian communities and ecosystems.

  •        Challenges linked to the migration phenomenon

Migration is defined as any movement of individuals from their usual living environment to other horizons, which can be family or individual, temporary or permanent, professional, forced or voluntary. It is a universal phenomenon based on the search for a better life.

The migration issue today constitutes one of the subjects of debate at all levels. It is estimated that around 8.4 million migrants are leaving West Africa for various destinations, mainly Europe.

Various sources today consider sub-Saharan Africa to be particularly exposed to climate change and its various consequences (IPCC, 2014). The effects of climate change, which result in the irregularity of precipitation, the degradation of agricultural land, the drying up of ponds, the disappearance of plant cover, are at the origin of the massive displacement of populations towards areas where they can carry out their activities.

The phenomenon of migration, especially in the Sahel countries, is very worrying with the intensification of massive forced migrations, both internal and cross-border, having as main causes insecurity, famine, extreme poverty, etc. Indeed, for more than a decade, the Sahel region has been plagued by growing insecurity linked to the actions of terrorist groups operating in the sub-region and to intercommunity conflicts (farmers-breeders).

In an analysis of migration issues in West Africa, Van der Land et al. (2018) highlighted the importance of circular migration and the consequences of remittances on adaptation capacities and resilience. Environmental factors are therefore not the only variables to study in making the decision to migrate. Research and future reflections must enlighten us on broader approaches that take into account the heterogeneity of West African contexts.

  •        Challenges related to food and nutrition security

For around four decades, extreme weather conditions have continually pushed millions of people into acute food insecurity across sub-Saharan Africa. Climate-induced shocks to the food system now strike approximately every 2 years, and are even almost permanent in places. Under these conditions, farms in these countries or regions have no possibility of recovery as the shocks approach. This therefore means that to overcome food difficulties more quickly, it is necessary to invest in the resilience of communities and ecosystems. According to the United Nations, in Africa, up to 65% of productive land is degraded and 45% of land is affected by desertification. This desertification leads to a decline in soil fertility and land available for grazing. In a joint statement at the annual meeting of the Network for the Prevention of Food Crises in West Africa (RPCA) held in Lomé in December 2022, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) , the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Program (WFP) have sounded the alarm.

Indeed, these organizations highlighted that the number of people suffering from hunger in West and Central Africa is expected to reach a historic record of 48 million, including 9 million children next year if urgent and lasting solutions are not found. not brought. According to the latest results of the Harmonized Food Security Analysis Framework, more than 35 million people (including 6.7 million children) in the region, or approximately 8% of the population assessed, are currently unable to meet their needs. basic food and nutrition.

It is not enough for populations to have food products at their disposal, but a nutritionally balanced diet is necessary, especially for children aged 0 to 5 years. Malnutrition, in its acute form, is often very widespread in these countries. The causes are social, cultural and behavioral, but this malnutrition is aggravated by the growing and widespread insecurity in the Sahel countries. To meet this challenge, there is an absolute need to mobilize scientific skills to support the development strategies of these States.

In addition, African countries in general and those in the Sahel in particular are affected by global shocks that undermine food systems, including volatility in commodity markets, increases in energy and fertilizer prices, disruptions to international trade and ongoing events in Ukraine. These shocks have led to sharp increases in food prices across the region and worsened food insecurity, with this inflation straining meager household incomes and threatening the resilience of communities. All indicators show that it is urgent to find lasting solutions to ensure future generations have a productive land capable of meeting their needs.

  •          Challenges linked to Climate Change

Developing countries, particularly the Sahel countries, are vulnerable to the harmful effects of climate change. This exposure is manifested by a continuous increase in temperatures, a strong spatiotemporal variability of rainfall, accompanied by an increase in extreme events on a planetary scale. All the reasons for the increase in temperatures may not yet be known, but the main reason is due to the enormous quantities of greenhouse gases (GHGs) released into the atmosphere linked to activity. of man (Industries, agriculture, livestock, transport etc.). It is in fact admitted that climate change is difficult to reverse in the medium term.

II. Objectives of the International Scientific Conference

This conference aims to mobilize Teachers-Researchers, Researchers, Doctoral Students, Development Actors and communities to support the construction of peace and sustainable development in the Sahel. The work will be structured around the main theme: “Migration, Food Security, Climate Change and Resilience in the Sahel: What contributions does scientific research make to sustainable peace and development? ".

The main objective is to make proposals for tools and intervention strategies to achieve sustainable resilience of populations and ecosystems.

Specifically, this will involve analyzing:

  • the impacts of climate change and agrosylvopastoral and fishing practices in the Sahel and environmental risks;
  • the causes, issues and consequences of migration and food insecurity in the Sahel;
  • the causes, issues and consequences of migration and food insecurity in the Sahel;
  • systems and/or approaches for managing cross-border migratory flows.

III. Organization of the international scientific conference

The international conference will last three (3) days. An inaugural conference will focus on the sustainable development issues in the Sahel – issues and challenges. Then five panels will be organized on the following sub-themes:

  • Panel 1: Food and nutritional security, migration and sustainable development in the Sahel;
  • Panel 2: Climate change and agrosylvopastoral and fisheries practices;
  • Panel 3 : Natural resource governance and sustainable land management for resilience;
  • Panel 4: Systems and approaches for sustainable management of migration flows;
  • Panel 5: Round table discussion on research, development issues and resilience.

Placed under the patronage of the Minister of Higher Education and Research, the conference will be organized by the Network of Sahel Universities for Resilience (REUNIR). It will be held from November 6 to 8, 2023 at Dan Dicko Dankoulodo University in Maradi, Niger.

IV. Résultats attendus du Colloque

At the end of the Conference, the following results are expected:

  • The causes, issues and consequences of migration phenomena in the Sahel are analyzed;
  • Systems and/or approaches for managing cross-border migratory flows are analyzed;
  • The mechanisms for good governance of natural resources and building resilience are analyzed;
  • Current issues and challenges related to food and nutritional security are analyzed;
  • The impacts of climate change and environmental risks are assessed;
  • The impacts of good practices in sustainable land management and resilience are known ;
  • A final declaration on the proposed strategies and recommendations for managing the various crises is developed and disseminated.

V. Scientific Committee of the Conference

An international scientific committee composed of researchers and teacher-researchers from REUNIR member universities has been set up. Its task is to receive draft communications, select and evaluate article manuscripts after pre-evaluation by reading committees. Validated communications will be published in the form of conference proceedings.

VI. Format of the international scientific conference

This Conference will be a framework for exchanges, sharing of research results but also a moment of great reflection that could lead to proposals for strategies for managing the various challenges that are hampering the development of the Sahel countries. It will take place in a hybrid format (face-to-face and virtual) to facilitate the participation of communicators. The conference will take place in french and in English and the sessions will be led by high-level scientists and experts. All communications will be published in the form of conference proceedings. The conference will be the subject of a final declaration which will be available in French and English.

VII. Conditions of participation

The international conference is open to researchers, doctoral students, teacher-researchers, and experts from non-governmental organizations, private or public structures after registration and submission of their communication for one of the four sub-themes of the panels presented above .

VIII. Submission of communications

The summary : it must be succinct (250 words maximum), attractive and structured into problem/objective, materials and methods, main results/discussion and five (05) key words maximum.

The summary must be provided in French and English, and must contain on one page, the first name(s) and last name(s) of the author(s) and the full address(es), professional status and parent institution. Authors should submit their manuscripts to the following email address: , only complete articles will be processed. Texts must be in Times New Romanian, font 12, single spaced. Participants and experts who intend to submit papers for the international conference must respect the deadlines indicated in the table below.

Table: the different deadlines

Launch of the call for applicationsJuly 15, 2023
Submission of abstracts1er as of August 30, 2023
Notification of acceptanceSeptember 15, 2023
Full article submissionSeptember 15, 2023
Participation registrationSeptember 15, 2023
Holding of the international conferenceNovember 6 to 8, 2023
Publication of the conference proceedingsDecember 2023

NB : Registration for the conference is subject to payment of the registration fee:

  • Teachers, Researchers and Researchers : 30 000 F CFA
  • Members of NGOs and other organizations : 30 000 F CFA
  • Doctoral students: 15 000 F CFA